Report aliases inconsistency: * One ns with more than one alias, * One alias assigned to more than one namespace..


(alias-list project-file-descs)

From a list of project file description project-file-descs (with file description, content and status).

Note that the scope of this project-file-descs is important. If you want to check consistancy between two projects, their files should be included in this list.

Return matches, a list of map with keys :filename, :ns and :alias for all matches found in the content.


(project-files deps-edn-filedesc)

Returns project file descriptions found in the project in project-dir.


(scan-alias monorepo-project-map verbose)

Scan all subproject of monorepo-project-map to generate their alias report.

Note all inconsistencies are searched across projects also. Return true if all projects are valid.


(scan-alias-project* project-file-descs verbose)

For all project-file-descs in a project, their alias consistency is analyzed, reports are saved if exist.

Has side effects and echo the result.

Returns true if all aliases are consistent.


(synthesis status)

Prints a synthesis line for status.