Design decisions

  • Being usable for all kinds of projects

    • Description:
      • All projects don’t have the same features, some don’t have cljs, some have cljs for cljc but no css, …
    • Rationale:
      • Aligning all projects with all technology will soon lead to a mess.
      • But some technology are really common to numerous projects, like linting, so our one source of truth apply to it
      • And they may have some flavors, with different parameter values, different behaviors and so on.
    • Consequences:
      • Each project builds it own bb.edn task and its own code
      • But it is also leveraging functions from this library.
  • Project flexibility

    • Description:
      • Even if all projects could comply to the standard tasks, it is flexible to add its own, or change the existing ones
    • Rationale:
      • even if most of the time all projects are identical, we may have some specificites due to certain technologies,
      • or some specificies for some customers,
    • Consequences :
      • All parameters that are project specific are in bb.edn, most probably hard coded in some calls of automaton-build function calls.
      • Parameters reused by more than one task of the same project should be put in project.edn, so they are clearely shared.
      • Others are hard coded in the function itself.
  • Documentation should be as close as possible from the usage

    • Description
      • When an error or an error suspicion happen when calling a task, it should display what’s wrong and how to fix it, o
    • Rationale:
      • In the tasks, at runtime, we exactly know the context and can tell exactly what’s interesting for the end user.
      • In other documentation, an effort is needed to read it, and it may be misaligned.
      • Having documentation displayed enforce its update.
    • Consequences:
      • Tasks are managing errors and display expected behavior.
  • Cli separation of concerns:

    • Description We separate the following concerns:
      • Assembling all features together
      • Displaying error messages
      • Doing actually something
    • Rationale
      • They’re may be more than one printing technology / flavor.
      • Reworks are easier todo
    • Consequence:
      • Wf directory contains tasks, really focused on their assembling concern.
      • code, data, doc, are low level functions, they should not care about data validation and logging.
      • echo/xxx/vcs.clj is for instance the wrapper for the vcs technology when we’d like to display it with the xxx technology.